Saturday, May 26, 2007

Should I quit my job?

Should I quit my job?

I am a faithful Malaysian doctor serving in the goverment hospital for the past 6 years. Here comes the time I have to decide, should I continue to serve the country or quit my job to find greener pastures outside the public sector.

When I started this blog one year ago, many readers of this blog emailed me asking whether I am a millionaire. I told them that I am still very far away as a millionaire. That's the reason I started this blog to share experince with my readers. I am always thinking " Can I move forward if I continue to do whatever I am doing now?"

My mum told me, since there will a "BIG" pay rise in the govenment sector, why should I leave?However, after reading today Star about retirement, I am anxious and worried! Do I have a future if I keep on getting the salary I am getting right now?

Maybe I should have opted for pension scheme when I joined the goverment! There are many decisions to make at this point my life. I passed my postgraduate examination 2 years ago (MRCP) but I am still waiting for my pay rise and subspecialist training, can I still survive with my RM3000+ salary when I even cannot afford to buy a house in Penang!!

" Why don't you go for locum?" that the answer my boss gave me when I uttered my frustration to her 1 month ago. I work hard everyday, why can't the goverment rewards what I deserve! That why maybe I should quit my job and start a bussiness soon?!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Basic Terminology (1)

Basic Terminology about Shares

Before we go to deep discussion about share market and stock ( since stock market is the hottest topic now almost everywhere in the World and even kids under 10 years old in China buy shares!!), I think it is important for us to learn some basic terminology in stock market!

Earnings per Share: The amount of profit to which each share is entitled.

Going Public: Slang for when a company is planning an IPO.

IPO: Short for Initial Public Offering. An IPO is when a company sells stock in itself for the first time.

Market Cap: The amount of money you would have to pay if you bought ever share of stock in a company. (To calculate market cap, multiply the number of shares by the price per share.) Short for Market Capitalization.

Share: A share represents an investor's ownership in a "share" of the profits, losses, and assets of a company. It is created when a business carves itself into pieces and sells them to investors in exchange for cash.

Ticker Symbol: A short group of letters that represents a particular stock (e.g., "Coca Cola" is referred to as "KO".)

Underwriter: The financial institution or investment bank that is doing all of the paperwork and orchestrating a company's IPO.