Saturday, September 20, 2008

Market Plunge? Can we escape?

Market Plunge? Can we escape?

Past few weeks was an interesting weeks for everyone. I always hope that the market will do badly because you can get cheaper property only if there is market plunge.

I still remember the last time you can get a cheap Singapore property was the time of Asian crisis in 1997-1998.

Everyone is still euphoric that after AIG being taken over by US Fed, the money and subprime crisis is over. I am rather sceptical about that. Last friday KLCI rebounded almost 3.5% because everyone is hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I must warn you that the worst market plunge is still ahead of us.

No one can escape from US market slow down and we are expecting recession at the end of the year!!

Don't burn your hands if you plan to jump into the market today or next week!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why are we poor??

Why are we poor??

During the last general election in Malaysia, I think a lot of you must have heard that we are far behind in term of income as compared to Singapore, Taiwan and Korea. In fact, about 30 years ago, Malaysians are getting more than their counterparts in Taiwan and Korea, so what actually happens that makes us lack behind our neighbours in Asia? I think all of you have your own answers and I must leave these to be answered by economists and politicians.
However, I notice a few important observations and I think you may want to know,

1) The easiest money you can make in Earth is ?????

The easiest money you can make is not from your parent, your grandy or your boy or girlfriend, you can get the easiest money from tourists! If Malaysians want to make more money, we have to attract more tourists to come and of course foreigners to live in this country. Look at Singapore and Hong Kong, there are so many exparts working in their countries and paying income tax for the government. Take a look at Malaysia, we are the World number one ( Malaysia Boleh!) country to have so many unskilled workers. So what do we get? We get nothing, no income tax, no nation-building but only more crimes, infectious diseases and flooding of workers in our public health facilities!

2) Our mentality has to change

There is no short cut in this world, you want more money, you have to make it. Malaysians like short cut, we give ‘duit kopi’ to settle our traffic offenses, we pay ‘under table money’ to get licences. Wake up, Malaysians, think of a way or a system to make your own money, you will lose the first few years but you will learn slowly and become an adult to survive at your own feet without subsidy!

3) ‘ Know how’ and not ‘ know who’

I always impressed with how the system works in this country. Almost everything in this country is politics-related. We always believe that money making is ‘knowing who’ rather than ‘ knowing how’, therefore, we spend more time making friends rather than improving our business strategy. You will never succeed if you are a giant in this ‘kampung’ and never expand your business overseas. I always believe that a great business is a business earning other people money and not your own people money!

4) Be prepared to pay more before you get more

Malaysians are stingy, we want the cheapest workers in the world even though they know nothing. We want labour intensive business and we are never prepared to pay people more. People around the world are progressing even the Chinese in China, but we are holding back our steps to go further. We do not have minimum wage for workers simply because we want to hire more cheap foreign workers!

5) ‘Middle man’ culture
Malaysia is full of middle man. Our people are not getting the money they are supposed to get because of middle man. We should get the middle man out of our business model especially middle man that does not contribute!

Friday, March 21, 2008

How to save extra Two Hundred a month??

How to save extra Two Hundred a month??

" I can't save any extra cent a month!!" a lot of youngsters nowaday have the same feeling. We are being bombared everyday by politicians that our economy is booming," Our country economy is growing and our unemployment rate is the lowest for the past 50 years!". As a normal working adult in Malaysia or Singapore, we seem to be lost. We have the same question in mind, " Are our lives getting better and are we making more money??"

Inflation is killing us, the petrol price is at its historical high. We are seeing every daily household item price's creeping up. We can't breath and we have to say" ENOUGH is ENOUGH! SUDAH TAK BOLEH TAHAN LAGI!!"

In the era of high inflation, I think we have to cut cost, no matter what it takes, we HAVE to change our lifestyles!!

1) Cancel your subscription of anything! You mention it- newspaper, magazine, your extra TV channels..... etc. OR at least cut down your subscription. I pay for almost 70 channels in ASTRO but I never watched more than 10 channels. So cut, cut cut down your extra channels. You can save RM20-30 per month!!

2) If you like to frequent Coffee bean, Starbuck etc.It is time for you to think twice today. You only can find the most expensive coffee in the World in these outlets. Make your own coffee and you can save up to RM40 per month if you just spend 3 minutes every morning to make your own coffee/MILO!!

3) Petrol, Petrol , Petrol- Take public transport if you can! Although it is rather to recommned you this if you are from Malaysia because I must say that Public transport is a nightmare for many Malaysians. However, try car-pool or if you are living in Singapore, never drive your own car unless you have a S500k-car that you want to show off to your girlfriend just before proposing to her!

4) Entertainment- Youngters like to spend money. They want to buy game CD, DVD, Playstation, the latest NOKIA model etc. Just relax, no matter how latest your NOKIA phone is, it will be outdated in 2 months. Unless your father is the NOKIA CEO, it is a waste of money if you keep on changing your handphoen model!!

5) Credit card- Keep your credit card in your safe not becuase you are worried it will be stolen but it brings your more disaster if you put it in your wallet!!

Hope these tips help!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Your Home- your asset??

Your Home- your asset?

People always think that their homes is their assets. I asked them what makes them think so. A lot of you will reply:" Of courselah, can appreciate in value ma!"

I strongly disagree that. If you are living inside your house now and still paying your home loan/mortage, I am so sorry to tell you that your home becomes the asset for the banks and a liability for yourself!

Therefore, if you are not making any money out of your house and need to pay money to stay inside, it is your liability and not your asset. You only can consider it as an asset once you settle your housing loan!

'How to settle the housing loan? Are you kidding? I am taking a RM 500k or S 300k housing loan?' some people may argue! I think one commonest mistake people make after they get their fisrt job is buying cars and houses too soon!!

Second mistake we make is buying too big car and house that we can't afford. Actually, you are recommended to buy a house that is only 3-4x your annual income. And I can tell you a truth, getting a house with that price will most probably end you up in one on the lousy flat in KL/Penang. And if you are lucky/unlucky to live in Singapore, you most probably can't even find any HDB flat that falls within your budget.

What I suggest you to do,

1) Work 2-3 years first and save up at least 20-30k before hunting your first house.

2) If your head is not so big, never try to show off to buy expensive house ( or show people how big your hat is!)

3) Settle your loan fast, pay extra every month until you settle your loan.

4) Get second cheap property and rent it out, then you only can consider it as your asset ( positive cash flow)!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Oasis-Cheapest Condominium in Penang

The Oasis
Nowaday, it is hard to find a nice condominium in Penang below RM300k. Rececntly found out this condominium and suprisingly it is below RM300k.

The Oasis is situated on a parcel with land area of approximately 6.5 acres.


The subject property is located off Jalan Yeap Chor Ee and sited next to the west of Minden Heights and lies in between Jalan Kaki Bukit/Lorong Bunga Raya. Adjacent to the subject land is the Custom Village and an undeveloped site which belongs to the RTM (Kementerian Penerangan Malaysia). It is located approximately 18 km due south of Georgetown and 5 km due west of Penang Bridge. It is easily accessible from Georgetown via Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Jalan Scott, Jalan Yeap Chor Ee and Jalan Valley.


Surrounding developments within the vicinity are mainly residential and commercial developments. Located opposite the subject property and due west are rows of government quarters and due east are rows of bungalows, double storey semi-detached houses and single storey terrace; and the custom village which is under construction. Bukit Jambul Complex is located nearby and within 15 minutes drives due south of the subject property. Commercial and retailing activities are concentrated mainly within the Bukit Jambul Complex and Bandar Gelugor area. Housing neighborhoods nearby include Minden Heights, Taman Gelugor, Taman Brown, Kampung Kastam, Taman Tun Sardon, Taman Pekaka, University Place and Taman Bukit Jambul. The wet market of Taman Tun Sardon is located nearby and within walking distance due south of the subject property. University Science of Malaysia is located at Jalan Yeap Chor Ee and within walking distance due south of the subject property. Located opposite the subject property at Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah is RECSAM.

Since it is so strategically located but why it is still so afforadable?? The catch is it is a not freehold land!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Property in KL- Rosvilla

Property in KL- Rosvilla

Mount Kiara is always considered as the prime addresses in Kuala Lumpur. You can find a lot of facilities near by such as shopping complexes, international schools etc. My friends told me that if you want to get a unit of condominium nearby Mount Kiara, you better have a five-figure salary every month.

Anyway, I think the developement over there is a bit over-heating and even if you have a unit there, you will see mainly fly-overs if you open your windows and no more greenery.

But I think a lot of people especially foreigners like to live there. Recently, found a newly launched project which is affordable for most people.

The Rosvilla Condominium at Bulit Prima Pelangi is launching now. Designed with exquisite taste and endowed with luxurious facilities and features to cater to your exciting lifestyle, Rosvilla Condominium has even more to offer.

Pegged from only RM238,000. Rosvilla Condominium is the oyster of prime investment with Garden International School, Plaza Mont Kiara and Solaris at your doorstep. Rosvilla Condominium is sure to be a buyer’s delight

You may want to find out this project!!