" I can't save any extra cent a month!!" a lot of youngsters nowaday have the same feeling. We are being bombared everyday by politicians that our economy is booming," Our country economy is growing and our unemployment rate is the lowest for the past 50 years!". As a normal working adult in Malaysia or Singapore, we seem to be lost. We have the same question in mind, " Are our lives getting better and are we making more money??"

Inflation is killing us, the petrol price is at its historical high. We are seeing every daily household item price's creeping up. We can't breath and we have to say" ENOUGH is ENOUGH! SUDAH TAK BOLEH TAHAN LAGI!!"
In the era of high inflation, I think we have to cut cost, no matter what it takes, we HAVE to change our lifestyles!!
1) Cancel your subscription of anything! You mention it- newspaper, magazine, your extra TV channels..... etc. OR at least cut down your subscription. I pay for almost 70 channels in ASTRO but I never watched more than 10 channels. So cut, cut cut down your extra channels. You can save RM20-30 per month!!
2) If you like to frequent Coffee bean, Starbuck etc.It is time for you to think twice today. You only can find the most expensive coffee in the World in these outlets. Make your own coffee and you can save up to RM40 per month if you just spend 3 minutes every morning to make your own coffee/MILO!!
3) Petrol, Petrol , Petrol- Take public transport if you can! Although it is rather to recommned you this if you are from Malaysia because I must say that Public transport is a nightmare for many Malaysians. However, try car-pool or if you are living in Singapore, never drive your own car unless you have a S500k-car that you want to show off to your girlfriend just before proposing to her!
4) Entertainment- Youngters like to spend money. They want to buy game CD, DVD, Playstation, the latest NOKIA model etc. Just relax, no matter how latest your NOKIA phone is, it will be outdated in 2 months. Unless your father is the NOKIA CEO, it is a waste of money if you keep on changing your handphoen model!!
5) Credit card- Keep your credit card in your safe not becuase you are worried it will be stolen but it brings your more disaster if you put it in your wallet!!
Hope these tips help!!