Tuesday, January 04, 2011

KLCI to Hit New High Again?

KLCI to Hit New High Again?

Will Kuala Lumpur Composite Index ( KLCI) to hit new high again?? I strongly believe so due to a few reasons,

1) Influx of hot money from overseas will continue until US economy recovering, I anticipate US economy will slowly recover middle and end of 2011 and US market will go in to bull market starting from 2012, therefore, our market will continue to rise until end of 2011/early 2012.

2) Our PM will continue to announce 'good news' for investors as well as developers, timing is crucial for our Mr PM, he has to announce general election before our market makes a U turn, it is likely our election will be held by latest end of this year or early 2012.

3) Our economy is still solid with anticipated growth of 5-6% in 2011, our poperty market already makes great gain in 2010, everyone is so euphoric about shares and property now but most of us will get burnt unless we make portfolio reshuffle before end of 2011.

Yes, KLCI will hit new high soon, may be at 1700-1750 in 3-4 months time!

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